
Join & Log in
Last Update. 08 Oct. 2020

Thank you for visiting Buy & Sell Message.
Our website is 100% free. The reason is to make more people available.
We provide only the Market Place.
Be careful with scam.

◈ ID
- Please enter your email address.

◈ Password
- Please enter the password to use on our website. Required for login.
- Do not use the same password of the ID (email you entered).

◈ When your join is complete, we will send you the information you entered.
- Please ensure that the email address we send is not classified as spam.
- We do not store the password you entered. Be careful not to lose.

◈ Once the join is completed, the points will be paid out. Points will help you to use our website.

※ We do not provide your Email information elsewhere. We only use membership and membership ID

◈ If the email does not arrive, Please check your spam folder.
Last Update. 16 Oct. 2020

◈ This is a board for Buyers.

◈ After Join & Log-in, you can post. 100% Free.

◈ Write about what you want to Buy. Products & Services are all possible. You can get 3 points.
⇒ After posting, check it out using the search function.
⇒ If you are not satisfied with the search, please edit the Keyword.

◈ You can post as many as you want. However, articles without details are deleted.

◈ The same post will be deleted. Please use the 'UP DATE' feature.

How to use the update?
⇒ My (page) > Post List > Update

◈ Click the 'UP DATE' button to go to the top of the list. More people will see your post. This will have a better effect.

◈ After Join & Log-in, You can write a comment.

★ Continuous Updates will be shown to more people.
★ Use keywords that can help your Post search well.
⇒ After posting a post, use search to check if your post is being searched. If not, please edit your keyword.

◈ 2 points are required for the UP DATE.

◈ Attach photos to your post for better promotions. (For people around the world who speak different languages)

◈ Click 'contact' to send an email. Manage emails from our website not to be classified as spam. The email app will allow you to receive alerts in real time. (ex : Gmail app, etc...)

◈ illegal Goods(drugs, animals) & illegal Services will be deleted.
Last Update. 24 Aug. 2022

◈ This is a board for Sellers.

◈ After Join & Log-in, you can post. 100% Free.

◈ Write about what you want to Sell. Products & Services are all possible. You can get 2 points.
⇒ After posting, check it out using the search function.
⇒ If you are not satisfied with the search, please edit the Keyword.

◈ You can post as many as you want. However, articles without details are deleted.

◈ The same post will be deleted. Please use the 'update or Premium Up' feature.

How to use the 'update or Premium Up' ?
⇒ My (page) > Post List > 'Update' or 'Premium Up'

◈ Click the 'update' button to go to the top of the list. More people will see your post. This will have a better effect.

◈ Click the 'Premium Up' is a function with thumbnails displayed and linked at the top.
⇒ This post will be displayed for 24 hours.

◈ After Join & Log-in, You can write a comment.

★ Continuous Updates will be shown to more people.
★ Use keywords that can help your Post search well.
⇒ After posting a post, use search to check if your post is being searched. If not, please edit your keyword.

◈ 2 points are required for the 'update' .

◈ 5 points are required for the 'Premium Up' .

◈ Attach photos to your post for better promotions. (For people around the world who speak different languages)

◈ Click 'contact' to send an email. Manage emails from our website not to be classified as spam. The email app will allow you to receive alerts in real time. (ex : Gmail app, etc...)

◈ illegal Goods(drugs,animals) & illegal Services will be deleted.
Hot News
Last Update. 16 Oct. 2020

◈ Anyone can see the bulletin board. Share exciting news.

◈ After Join & Log-in, you can post.

◈ Please post various news from where you live. You can get many points (10points).

◈ If you attach a photo, you will receive an additional 10points.(Total : 20points)

◈ Sales and purchases article will be deleted. (Please use the 'Buy / Sell' bulletin board)

◈ Scams will be deleted.

◈ AD will be deleted.

◈ illegal goods and services will be deleted.
Request at B&S Message
Last Update. 16 Sep. 2020

◈ After Join & Log-in, you can post.

◈ Please give us various opinions about using our website.

◈ Points will be paid when you write a post. ( 3point )

◈ Sales and purchases article will be deleted. (Use the 'Buy / Sell' bulletin board)

◈ Scams will be deleted.

◈ AD will be deleted.
My Page
Last Update. 08 Oct. 2020

◈ Be sure to click 'Refresh' after you have modified the information.

◈ You can view and edit membership information.

◈ You can see your posts & comments.

◈ You can UPDATE your post. More people will see your post. This will have a better effect.

◈ You can check your points history.

◈ You can see the email you sent.
Push Service
A real-time push service is possible using the Android App.
Search for 'Buy & Sell Message' on Google Play.
Last Update. 24 Aug. 2022

★ This website is 100% Free.
★ Understand how to Get & Pay points.
★ Points will be used as cash when paid features are created.
★ Points are valid for 1 year.

[Pay points]

▷Using 'Update' : 2 Points

▷Using 'Premium Up(date)' : 5 Points


[Get points]

▶Join : 4 Points

▶Log In : 1 Point/day

--> Writing a post : 2 Points

--> Writing a post : 3 Points

▶Hot News
--> Writing a post : 10 Points
--> Attach a photo : +10 Points

▶Request at B&S msg
--> Writing a post : 3 Points
Privacy Policy
Last Update 12 July. 2021

UNImedia(이하 "회사"라 합니다.)는 이용자의 ‘동의를 기반으로 개인정보를 수집·이용 및 제공’ 하고 있으며, ‘이용자의 권리 (개인정보 자기결정권)를 적극적으로 보장’ 합니다.

회사는 정보통신서비스제공자가 준수하여야 하는 대한민국의 관계 법령 및 개인정보보호 규정, 가이드라인을 준수하고 있습니다.

“개인정보처리방침”이란 이용자의 소중한 개인정보를 보호함으로써 이용자가 안심하고 서비스를 이용할 수 있도록 회사가 준수해야 할 지침을 의미합니다.

본 개인정보처리방침은 'B&S Message' 서비스에 적용됩니다. 모든 이용자는 서비스를 이용할 수 있고, 회원가입을 통해 더욱 다양한 서비스를 제공받을 수 있습니다. 이용자의 개인정보를 수집하는 경우에는 반드시 사전에 이용자에게 해당 사실을 알리고 동의를 구하도록 하겠습니다. 수집방법에는 광고를 통한 정보 수집, 본인인증 등이 있으며, 아래의 원칙을 준수하고 있습니다. 서비스 제공에 필요한 최소한의 개인정보를 수집합니다.

◈개인정보 수집항목 (이름,주소, 이메일 등) 이용자의 개인정보를 다음과 같은 목적으로만 이용하며, 목적이 변경될 경우에는 반드시 사전에 이용자에게 동의를 구하도록 하겠습니다.
- 이용자 식별
- 가입의사 확인
- 불량회원 부정이용 방지

◈다양한 서비스 제공, 공지사항 전달

◈신규 서비스 개발, 이벤트 행사 시 정보 전달, 마케팅 및 광고 등에 활용

이용자에게 맞춤 광고 전송 다양한 서비스 제공 및 품질 향상 등의 목적으로 최소한의 개인정보만 제공하고 있으며, 개인정보를 제3자에게 제공해야 하는 경우 반드시 사전에 이용자에게 해당 사실을 알리고 동의를 구하도록 하겠습니다. 다만 다음의 경우는 예외로 하고 있습니다.
- 법령의 규정에 의거하거나, 수사 목적으로 법령에 정해진 절차와 방법에 따라 수사기관의 요구가 있는 경우